Monday, December 19, 2011
Holiday Blessings and Love to All
This year has been filled with happiness, joy, achievement, blessings and achievements. It has also had many sadness's, with friends and loved ones passing away. I am saddened at the death of Danise Challis, a true hero and warrior against cancer. She lost her battle last week, having a massive stroke. She was an amazing lady full of courage (against all odds) an had such a positive attitude, right up to the very end. She will be missed by all who loved her and enjoyed her creativity, she was featured in several editions of CE and was one of our heroes.
On a great note, A Place in the Sun, (books and designs) is ahead of schedule and should be out around the 8 January, 2012 in Australia and 22 January in the US - don't miss out on this fabulous book. Also don't forget to view the video, which is up and running on our web site:
I have just returned from Brisbane, to attend dad's Christmas Party. This is always a bitter/sweet experience for me, as I spend most of the time crying, however there is joy as well. When one is coming to the end of an amazing life, sometimes it deals us a hand we would never have chosen, but like the Christian gentleman my dad is, he never complains and is still gentle and sweet.
My nephew Niki, was presented to the Supreme Court and admitted to the bar - very proud moment for everyone. All in all I had a wonderful time in Brisbane with my only sister and her family.
I attempted to post picture to this blog, but for some reason they would not upload as pictures, rather just a ton of codes. So I am not fighting with the computer right now so pictures will have to wait till next time.
From all of us at Team JH, (Simon, Laurie, Robbie and me) we wish you Christmas blessings and only health and happiness in the New Year. Our office will be closed from the 23 December and reopen on the 16 January, 2012. (We will check our emails however and have a skeleton staff.)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
2011 Academy Graduates Gallery open to public
The Members Gallery has now gone Public for all to view
This is a must see, so once again Congratulations to all our graduates, so if you are looking for great teachers, this is where you look.
We are all so proud of this group of graduates and have just announced that we will be repeating this course early in 2012 as well as our first Quilting Academy later in 2012. Dates will be announced early in 2012.
Take a peek you will love this gallery and delight in what our amazing students have achiever.
Team JH
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Back to reality and exciting new products
1 Perfect Bliss
2 Fiesta
3 I Need a Little Christmas
4 Quilt-a-magic
5 A Little French Chic
6 I Feel Pretty
Create along with me as I guide you step-by-step through these projects - with the directions and the designs on the Special Edition design collections and now Videos so there is no excuse for you not to soar with the eagles! I hope you enjoy these amazingly easy and fun projects.
And yes for those who want a little more you are catered for also.
Bit under the weather today as I am having a tooth inplant and my dentist visit was quite harrowing. Took two hours to get the root out of the bone with a lot of tugging - bit off with the fairies today. Pain killers are my best friends at present!
Will hopefully have pictures for next time, so in the meantime go to to see all the new products and to download the. Keels.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The things we do for a show!!! Houston is over and now home!
The things we do for a show (and in honor of our, Australian Melbourne Cup horse race) click on the link below and ihave a giggle!,
OK now stop laughing.
We had a great show and are now heading home tomorrow morning - Sydney Summer , here I come with an advanced Hawaiin Tan!!
Last day in Houston and then home to Aussie
I cannot wait to see what comes next in the world of quilting and embroidery. In the meantime we are off home tomorrow with so many exciting ideas new concepts to keep in touch and keep everyone busy, so stay tuned to your email blasts so you do not miss out on our future plans - very exciting times we live in.
Please don't get used to these frequent posts, by the way, but it has been my mission to keep everyone posted while I am away - holiday or not.
I am having a love affair with my iPad, just love love it! Am also getting used to the touch key board.
Now on with the show.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wow what a show we are having in Houston!
The Jenny Haskins stand is a hive of activity being crowded to over flowing. Our work shops are full to over flowing and everyone is so busy that lunch breaks are a thing of the past, we are lucky if we get a 'potty break'. We are all having a blast, so if you have not come by the stand make sure your do, the discounts are simply amazing!
Simon's Quilt-a-magic is center stage along with A Place in the Sun, so make sure you order both along with the 12 new Special Editions. Amazing thread and stabilizer specials so get ready to stock up.
Have had lots of wonderful customers popping by to say Hi we love seeing our loyal supporters. Thank you for your support and custom.
Must go another workshop to do.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Congratulations to our over 90 JH Acadmey Graduates!
Hawaii is now a very happy memory and I cannot wait to go back, Simon said I can go twice a year!
Well Festival is about to start and team JH is so excited, come and visit us on stand 614, and talk with Simon, Paula, Debi, Susan and Margo, we would love to see you. Me, well I will be showing you everything new and giving some wonderful tips as to how to quilt no hands on a domestic machine. This you will love.
Also keep your eyes peeled for the 2012 dates for next year's online Academy of JH Accredited Tutors and our advanced Academy dates for 2012 as well! Yes we plan to keep every learning and flying high.
Also remember the Jenny Haskins division of RNK and SVP or looking for education/sales consultants, so if you would like this exciting career, email me for details.
Well off to the show, I did not get a chance to see anything at market so will try to look at festival.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Catching up at Houston
Our revered leader Clifford Wallach is charming everyone as always, and Mr. Brooks and his beautiful wife are as gracious as always. Paula and all the girls are hard at work and in general we are all enjoying show casing everything new.
My poor Simon has lost his voice already and has gone to bed.
We have unveiled our latest creations including A Place in the Sun along with 12 new special editions. As you can hear life is full and busy and I have to sit in the lobby to post this because you are all my 'babies and I have to love you'!
Another day tomorrow and will keep you all posted.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Trying again my IPad is on vacation too!
I had forgotten what a holiday was like and have already booked to come back to Hawaii next year - yes I am having the best of times. Tanned relaxed and almost ready for Houston!
I have just sat on the beach every day, swam and read my E-books. Simon is leaving today and me tomorrow (sadly). We are both looking forward to Houston and catching up with our US friends and sharing what we are doing, new concepts and promises of things to come.
Will keep you all posted.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Clearing off my desk and more archive pictures!

Well I am finally closing down my computer for a month!! I cannot believe it, I will have withdrawals I am sure - never mind am taking my iPad with me. We all have been so busy in our studio, making over 20 videos in the last couple of weeks. Our Academy members are going well with 36 who have already completed their required 8 projects and two who have finished all 19 projects, three weeks to go everyone! We have designed and ordered the badges as well as the certificates, so the end is in site.
You will notice that we have instructional videos for Perfect Bliss, Fiesta, Quilt-a-matic, Sandy's Oriental Express and I need a Little Christmas up on our web site now. Simply click on the more button and then scroll down to the bottom of the page that opens and download the video. With all the directions (coloured step by step pictures) and designs on each CD along with an instructional video in which I guide you in making these projects - anyone can now work from home and achieve any of these quilts in their own time and space!! What more could you want - and no I am not making one for you.
A Place in the Sun our exciting new book, due out Dec/Jan is at the printers and you will just love the quilt and our latest technique - an entire quilt quilted and embroidered in the HOOP!! And yes we will have video on our web site for this also when the book comes out
We are also working on our Creative Magic site on our web site - it will be an interactive site that everyone can be part of taking advantage of 21st century technology. You will be part of the Jenny and Simon studio when it becomes a reality show - more coming.
Until next time, I will be on the beach in Hawai!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Some days it doesn't pay to get up and take the cat off your head!

I have been trying to up date my blog for over two weeks now, and every time I get all the pictures up and ready to go - it won't upload. Try again and the same things happens again. I then had the brilliant thought to try my iPad - you can see the results, only a heading was uploaded! If this posts it is by luck more than good management as this is my third attempt once again!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Academy Graduates to Date and Home News

All of us at Studio Jenny and Simon have been hard at work, trying to keep your creativity satisfied and busy. These three new Special Editions will be out at the beginning of October, so make sure you place your orders so you will be first to enjoy these spectacular editions.
Quilt-a-matic is a quilt a 1-2-3-4 quilt:
1 Quilt each square in the hoop -all three quilt layers fearless quilting
2 Cut on the built-in cutting lines (no tiresome measuring required) and then pieced with 3 3 Piece with the Jenny Join for perfectly flat seams
4 Bind the quilt
Easy as one, two, three, four - finished!
I Need a Little Christmas Advent Calendar - again easy as 1, 2, 3, 4
1 Quilt each square in the hoop - all three layers for fearless quilting
2 Piece the tree with the Jenny Join - perfectly flat decorative seams
3 Embroider and attach the hearts and star - Embroidered Decoupage Technique
4 Pipe and bind your tree
Coming out just in time for Christmas!
Fiesta is another quilt by Simon - glorious colors, luscious fabrics and spectacular colors
This quilt is embroidered directly onto the fabric, it is easy and pucker free - we show you how and for anyone who loves embroidered quilts this is a must.
Now for the amazing Academy Graduates - we have 13 graduates to date - congratulations to the following:
Jill Wilcox - she has made all 19 projects - Yahoo Jilly- already an estabilished teacher
Shirley Budwig
Jeannie Miller - has classes already booked
Tricia McKenzie
Michelle Kratzer - she has made several each of the projects as well as others way to go Michelle, already an established teacher
Heidi Thayer - despite two broken legs she was one of the first to finish her 8 projects - a real trooper- teaching inspite of this!
Brenda Heidooen
Judi Archibald
Linda Seeman-Kort - has classes already booked
Debbie Fultz - who is also a JH Educator for RNK
Pamela Thompson - has classes booked and very excited with this new adventure
Terri Lowery - (works 64 hour week but still has finished her eight projects)
Cathy Letson
This is everyone to date - many already have classes pre-booked and all are soaring with the eagles! If I do not have a comment by your name it is because you have not share with me, so please do, we are all interested in your fabulous journey.
As well as the above, I have finally finished A Place in the Sun it looks amazing and I will share the cover with you in my next blog, I can't give you everything at once.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
What's New and What's Coming!!

Well Simon is at Baby Lock Tech in St. Louis and this is his latest quilt finished - Fiesta - it is simply glorious and you will love our next Special Edition when it comes out later in September.
Also we have been working on a Christmas Special Edition - I Need a Little Christmas now.. Christmas Advent calendar - so quick and easy with all the quilting done in the hoop for you - with little Embroidered Decoupage (r) heart pockets - looks beautiful.
Also I have finally finished the instructions for A Place in the Sun what till you see what is in store for you in this book - the very first quilt completely quilted in the hoop and pieced with the Jenny Join for perfectly flat seams - even a dedicated quilter will not be able to tell how it has been done - you are going to just love this technique.
We have lots or more exciting things coming up for our creative followers - speaking of which our Academy finishes next week - wow what a creative ride this has been and the attendees have made such amazing projects - even more that one of each. So if you get a chance to learn from any of theses talented ladies, then do not miss the opportunity they are just the best.
Till next time and I hope I can post this blog - nearly put bog as it truly has bogged me down!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Jenny and her team move on from Creative Expressions
All good things come to an end, and after eight exciting years, the inspirational team behind the magazine Creative Expressions with Jenny Haskins have decided to move on. Jenny will no longer be the editor of Creative Expressions, and we would like to thank all our supporters (readers, contributors, advertisers and consumers) for their loyalty which we know you will continue giving us in our new venture. It has been a great ride and now it is time to move in a new direction. With this in mind, stay tuned for an upcoming 21st century approach to multi-media, when it comes to machine embroidery and quilting. We are all so excited and have been working on this concept for some time! Our motto is and always will be:
If you throw your heart over the fence the rest will follow! So follow your heart and join us as we all jump over the fence in a new direction.
Speaking of exciting ventures - wow how good was our first webinar for our online Academy - don't forget members this is up in your site on for you to replay at your leisure if you missed it, or you just want a recap. By the way Simon forgot to press the record button, so you miss my welcome and the first voice you hear is Robbie's but that is beautiful and expresses all our sentiments.
Sandy's Oriental Express Special Edition design CD is now out and ready for shipping, you will just love this quilt and designs and it is for anyone who has never made a quilt before, this is the one for you, it is just 'sew easy' with all the designs being created using Jenny's Embroidered Decoupage (r) technique. As with Perfect Bliss this Special Edition design CD is supported with an instructional video for you to view and upload - please wait until Friday the 4 August when it should be up on the web site.
With great expectations,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
'It's my party and I will cry if I want to! More Academy pics and Sandy's Orient Express!
Question: What would you attempt if you knew you had no chance of failure? Answer: Make my first quilt - Sandy's Oriental Express quilt!
Below is a picture of our next Special Edition design CD - Sandy's Oriental Express - Sandy is my friend and she came to my studio once a week for a year - she travels so it was not 52 days, however this is her first quilt and she loved making it and said it was so easy. A great quilt for anyone who has never made a quilt before! All the embroidered applique uses my Embroidered Decoupage (r) technique and so there is no chance of not having a perfectly wonderful quilt!

This Special Edition will be released in August - stay tuned for your email blast!!! Retail price $50 plus tax.
Academy News:


Saturday, July 23, 2011
Online Academy first projects FINISHED!

Now that is an over achiever!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A Place in the Sun and Accreditation up date

Friday, June 24, 2011
Perfect Bliss Video is Live!

Friday, June 17, 2011
I am on Twitter (@jennyhaskins) and CE 31 is finally out!

Speaking of technology, you all should have received your flier about Perfect Bliss, the response has been simply amazing. Also if you are a consumer and have not had an invitation to Maragaret's webinar with Simon on the June 21 then email her: and get registered, Simon always has amazing things to show you and talk about. On June 27 we have a wholesale conference webinar and if you are or looking at becoming a Jenny Haskins retailer or are already one, then you must attend this webinar, Simon and I will be talking about our latest products, designs and up coming quilts, along with marketing techniques and fun ideas to help keep your customers coming into your store. Email Paula: to register.
Simon is busy working on our Academy Videos - there are four hours of them, so this will keep our registered participants busy once they get their academy package. (This is longer than War and Peace!) The Power Point presentations for each project is Simon's project for next week.
Also on June 24 we should have our Perfect Bliss Video (around 20min long) up on the web site for you to download. In this video I guide you through the use of templates (using Template Magic Printable Sheets) and Block Layout Diagrams for the combination embroidery in Perfect Bliss. You will learn how easy it is to achieve wonderful large embroidery designs even if you have a smaller hoop - but wait till the June 24! We will send out an email blast once it is up.
Monday, June 6, 2011
And yes I am in trouble again - I let my blog followers know about Simon's amazing new quilt Perfect Bliss - I now know you love this as much as I do and Peaches who he made it for - she is a totally pink person.
The exciting thing about this quilt is that because of the inclusion of the Block and Center Medallion Layout Diagrams (included on the CD) for you to print in actual size to be used in conjunction with Template Magic Printable Sheets it is like having the actual quilt in your studio to position you placement templates over for perfect placement which can be used for the 200mm x 360mm and 200mm x 200mm hoops for perfect placement for these glorious designs. For those who have the 350mm x 360mm the designs can be done in one hooping (how lucky are you that Simon has already combined and color sorted these designs to fit your large hoop.
Next week we will be having a Video on our web site showing step-by-step how easy the above is to do, so make sure you check out this video.
So till next week your have plenty to think about and plan.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Perfect Bliss - Latest Quilt and Academy!

Well as always we have been working hard on Simon's Perfect Bliss quilt as seen above. It is absolutely spectacular and was made as a gift for our friend Peaches' 40th birthday - she just is such a pink girly girl.
Simon has literally spent over a month perfecting the designs which he has made for the 350mm x 360mm, 200mm x 360mm and 200mm x 200mm size hoops, so everyone can make his Perfect Bliss quilt. Not only has Simon created the designs to fit these three hoop sizes, but he has created 'actual size' PDF's of the designs for each block and center medallion which can be printed (in black and white or colour) and then the pages stuck together to form a design placement graphic, in actual size, to be used as a guide for placement templates to be accurately placed over. This ensures that you have accurate combination templates to be placed over each block to be used as embroidery placement guides.
Once again as with all our Special Editions, we have all the directions and pictures to make Perfect Bliss as well as 180 designs (adaptable to the three hoop sizes) on the CD along with lots of step-by-step pictures so it is easy for anyone to follow. How wonderful is Simon sharing his talent in such a way as anyone can achieve glorious large embroidered blocks in such a user-friendly way.
Hi to all our registered 'Accredited Academy' ladies - we are so excited and happy that you have chosen to do this course on-line - we are all in for a fun time. I will keep you posted on special offers and things to do prior to the first webinar by personal email as well as in my blog - yes I know I will have to do it more frequently than at present!
By the way, CE31 is running a bit late (especially in Australia) and we are expecting it here in the next week and in the US before the end of June - thank you for your patience, trust me it is worth waiting for.
I am now off to work on my next project - A Place in the Sun quilt - this quilt will make it possible for everyone to not only embroider and applique like a pro, but quilt as well - this will be our next book!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Academy, Wins at Paducah and more!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Where did April Go and our first On-Line Academy

Sunday, March 27, 2011
While the Cat's away the Mice do Play!
So while Simon has been away, Robbie has been up north with her three beautiful granddaughters doing what all Nanny's do and that is spoiling them and I have had two lots of house guests. One was very special Catherine - was home from Switzerland for a visit - she used to be my children's nanny when they were little, so it was great to catch up with her again - we refused to discuss our ages - but her twin boys are now 18, so neither of us could pretend we were still in our 40's - bother!

Sunday, March 6, 2011
We have been getting creative

In Australia fabric flowers are everywhere, especially attached to beautiful necklaces. These are a few of what we have been doing, along with head bands, hats, purses, bracelets, hair clips and shoe clips - the list is endless.
I believe CE 30 has finally hit the US, so if you have not ordered or received yours make sure you do and not miss out on the wonderful new projects and ideas that are in it. Us well we have just finished CE 31, it is looking pretty good - but enjoy CE 30 first.
Simon and the JH girls have just finished the best show ever in Puyallup - it was just the best show ever, so there will be lots of creativity going on once all the consumers get home. It is always a very very busy show and this year is no exception, to congratulations to everyone and thank you for all the hard work.
Simon had a hands on class and lots of lecture demos as well as his Embroidered Decoupage class - all went well and Paula had her Make-it-and-take-it Krinkle Magic class. It was literally magic when the participants saw their flat flowers spring into 3D life. Patty was the stabiliser queen, making sure everyone had the correct stabilisers to get the most out of their embroidery.
A wonderful time was had by all.
Robbie is off for two weeks, to see her three beautiful grand daughters, and I have had my beautiful 'little sister' (who was my children's baby sitter when they were small) visit me for a week from Switzerland - we had a wonderfully busy time - leaving both of us exhausted but happily so.
On that note I am off to bed, my baby Honey had her 6th birthday today along with my sister Sue - at her age 'discretion is the better part of valour'.
See I am getting better, not even a month and here is another blog.
Friday, February 18, 2011
I am so sorry for being so slack - will try harder

1 Finished Fabricadabra and sent it out This is a glorious quilt by Simon and the CD has all the directions (like a book with fabulous photography and pictorial step-by steps you can print), on the CD along with all the designs. This quilt and design CD introduces Magic Seams which are 1/4in seams embroidered in the hoop. The cutting lines give you an exact 1/4in cutting line for piecing, taking the stress and time away from measuring cutting. You will be blown away by how easy it is to piece this quilt.

Simon has also finished three more fabulous quilt - that's for another blog and Robbie and I have nearly finished CE No 31. We have done all this in a month and now Simon is over in the US on tour for six weeks. Go to our web site for his schedule.