Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Melbourne Cup - 2009

Melbourne Cup (a little like the Kentucky Derby for the US) is an Australian institution - our nation stands still for the 3 minute running of this horse race. The city of Melbourne actually has a holiday for this occasion.

The rest of Australia, gets dressed up to the 'nines' with hats, dresses and shoes all matching, and go either to the horse races in that town or city or go out for lunch.

This year Simon, Laurie (his father), Robbie and I went out for lunch at the Euro Lounge in Castle Hill - we found out the Mayor of Castle Hill now owns this restaurant so he was present also. It was a glamours occasion with all the ladies wearing hats and the waiters wearing jockey outfits, with sweeps and competitions. The four course meal was fabulous as was the champagne along with coffee and truffles.

We had a great day out and Robbie and I enjoyed getting dressed up - which we love to do for any reason or no particular one.

No we did not back the winner but Robbie's husband John did - way to go John, (but he could have shared his secret with us)!

Today is reality day so now back to editing.

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