I have been very focused and productive of late and am happy to report that When Dreams Flower is almost finished in design - it looks gorgeous - my part is finished and now I am on to more text for CE 26 - which is looking oh so good.
Simon had been nagging me - actually constantly nagging me to draw up designs for Harvey's Garden a children's design CD. He is just itching to get into childrens designs at present. Between him and Mr. Brooks, I had to give in - they both know how to motivate me into doing just what they want - which is not easy might I add!
When my children were small I used to draw toadstools, butterflies, snails, bees and butterflies in a magic garden and they would colour these drawings in - keeping them quiet in church, shopping centres or on rainy days - they would colour for hours. I made the plaque for Simon's room w
hen he was around seven and he has kept it - now he is a man of 32 and still he remembers and treasures this. I had forgotten I made it - we never know how we effect our children until they are adults - how precious our time is with them when they are small.

Well I finally have drawn up all the creatures, the toadstools, clouds, sun, moon and flowers and we are stitching them out. Both Simon and I have such happy memories of our days spent together when he was young with me drawing and him colouring in my pictures as I told him stories of Sammie Snail - the lonely snail!
This is just a preview of our stitch outs - I intend to add to this picture with fabric pens - cannot wait and we will make the blocks into a quilt - eventually we want to make a quilt and I am going to write a story book to go with the quilt - this will be in my spare time of course, but I will do it. Can't you see all the possibilities for these little creatures.
Well this is keeping you up to date with our studio - Simon is also working on another quilt for his dad for Christmas, Robbie is making her mum a foot warmer for her new apartment - me I am glued to my computer. However on the week-end I did take time out to have lunch with my daughter and Peaches, and shop for shoes - two glorious pairs, and go to the movies with Sandy and Toni as well as working until 1:00am each night. Life is good and I am happy.