All of us at Studio Jenny and Simon have been hard at work, trying to keep your creativity satisfied and busy. These three new Special Editions will be out at the beginning of October, so make sure you place your orders so you will be first to enjoy these spectacular editions.
Quilt-a-matic is a quilt a 1-2-3-4 quilt:
1 Quilt each square in the hoop -all three quilt layers fearless quilting
2 Cut on the built-in cutting lines (no tiresome measuring required) and then pieced with 3 3 Piece with the Jenny Join for perfectly flat seams
4 Bind the quilt
Easy as one, two, three, four - finished!
I Need a Little Christmas Advent Calendar - again easy as 1, 2, 3, 4
1 Quilt each square in the hoop - all three layers for fearless quilting
2 Piece the tree with the Jenny Join - perfectly flat decorative seams
3 Embroider and attach the hearts and star - Embroidered Decoupage Technique
4 Pipe and bind your tree
Coming out just in time for Christmas!
Fiesta is another quilt by Simon - glorious colors, luscious fabrics and spectacular colors
This quilt is embroidered directly onto the fabric, it is easy and pucker free - we show you how and for anyone who loves embroidered quilts this is a must.
Now for the amazing Academy Graduates - we have 13 graduates to date - congratulations to the following:
Jill Wilcox - she has made all 19 projects - Yahoo Jilly- already an estabilished teacher
Shirley Budwig
Jeannie Miller - has classes already booked
Tricia McKenzie
Michelle Kratzer - she has made several each of the projects as well as others way to go Michelle, already an established teacher
Heidi Thayer - despite two broken legs she was one of the first to finish her 8 projects - a real trooper- teaching inspite of this!
Brenda Heidooen
Judi Archibald
Linda Seeman-Kort - has classes already booked
Debbie Fultz - who is also a JH Educator for RNK
Pamela Thompson - has classes booked and very excited with this new adventure
Terri Lowery - (works 64 hour week but still has finished her eight projects)
Cathy Letson
This is everyone to date - many already have classes pre-booked and all are soaring with the eagles! If I do not have a comment by your name it is because you have not share with me, so please do, we are all interested in your fabulous journey.
As well as the above, I have finally finished A Place in the Sun it looks amazing and I will share the cover with you in my next blog, I can't give you everything at once.