Family Christmas and holiday pictures: Top left - my 97 year old dad and my sister Sue at Dad's Christmas party. Top right my beautiful grandaughter Zoey in Noo Noo's Christmas dress.

1 Finished Fabricadabra and sent it out This is a glorious quilt by Simon and the CD has all the directions (like a book with fabulous photography and pictorial step-by steps you can print), on the CD along with all the designs. This quilt and design CD introduces Magic Seams which are 1/4in seams embroidered in the hoop. The cutting lines give you an exact 1/4in cutting line for piecing, taking the stress and time away from measuring cutting. You will be blown away by how easy it is to piece this quilt.

Bottom left: Harvey and Noo Noo swimming

I know it has now been nearly two months since my last post and am so sorry. Simon and Pattie have been nagging me and again Erica you were right, but I am hanging in there. I truly do have some good reasons for not keeping my blog up to date. My computer was broken when I was at the beach, we had a funeral and then Simon was back from Fiji, and we were back in full swing. Maybe you will forgive me if I tell you what we have been doing:

1 Finished Fabricadabra and sent it out This is a glorious quilt by Simon and the CD has all the directions (like a book with fabulous photography and pictorial step-by steps you can print), on the CD along with all the designs. This quilt and design CD introduces Magic Seams which are 1/4in seams embroidered in the hoop. The cutting lines give you an exact 1/4in cutting line for piecing, taking the stress and time away from measuring cutting. You will be blown away by how easy it is to piece this quilt.

2 Finished Sam's Love Hearts and sent this out. This is a Premier edition includes all the new designs to make the Windmills of the Heart patchwork quilt along with once again the directions ( you can print these out as a book). If you have never made a patchwork quilt, then this is a good one to start with as it is Robbie's first one and as she says, 'If I can do it, anyone can!' The designs feature multiple applique as well as buttonholes in the hoop!
3 Finished 3D Embroidery Magic - another new technique that enables you to embroider a flat design (using Kringkle Magic) in the hoop along with a fabric. Again full step-by-step colour directions are included on the CD and CE 3
1 wil
l have the directions for this amazing quilt. 3D Embroidery Magic will open a whole new world of creativity for you. Fabulous for clothes and home decor too along with Magic quilting designs as well - you will be so excited! The flowers spring into life before your eyes and the quilting puffs up giving amazing texture!
Simon has also finished three more fabulous quilt - that's for another blog and Robbie and I have nearly finished CE No 31. We have done all this in a month and now Simon is over in the US on tour for six weeks. Go to our web site for his schedule.

Simon has also finished three more fabulous quilt - that's for another blog and Robbie and I have nearly finished CE No 31. We have done all this in a month and now Simon is over in the US on tour for six weeks. Go to our web site for his schedule.
Had a beautiful Christmas and holiday period with my family and friends, so many ideas flashing through my mind also. I hope some of you joined our webinar the other day - we had nearly 1,000 sign ups it was so exciting talking to everyone. Also welcome to Janome and Elna dealers who are now carrying the Jenny Haskins range of stabilisers, books, magazines, threads and design CD's welcome to our world of creativity.
Well I have now been writing this for and hour and a half - been interrupted with a phone call and the pictures take a while to up load. Have lots and lots to to tell you in future blogs, but before I go I would like to welcome my nephew Nicky home - he won a scholarship to Cambridge England to do his PHD and is home in Brisbane, bringing with him his partner, a Canadian beauty by the name of Katherine - welcome to Australia Katherine I cannot wait to meet you.
Promise it will not be so long next time,