Well as you can see, Laura of Windham Textiles has been busy designing a poster for our When Dreams Flower fabric - great poster Laura.

Robbie has been busy also making a quilt for her third granddaughter Hannah. This is her interpretation of Harvey's Garden isn't it gorgeous. She has added hills and a tree (appliqued) over a diagonal quilted grid background and then embroidered Harvey's Garden characters - it makes a great scene on a little girls quilt. The borders are decorated with flowers and toad stools with the cornerstones having butterflies - way to go Robbie.
We have been busy with our little Zoey, Harvey and CJ especially Zoey who at present is the focus of our attention being so new and little - she is growing and doing well - she is such a special little soul.
Robbie and I are working on our purses - we are nearly there - they are looking fabulous and Simon is working on a new quilt using Margaret's Magnificent Melody flowers - it is going to be stunning.
And wait till you see our patchwork quilt made from our new fabric - When Dreams Flower which arrived last week, we are just putting the borders on it.
Well it is a long week end here in Australia and my friend Sandy and I are off on a Thelma and Louise long week-end in Noosa - I am really looking forward to the break - we have been just so busy lately.
I am literally walking out the door to catch the plane so will write again next week.